The story of Topcultures began in 1976 when the founder, Erik, then still a teenage boy, read an article about Harryet Marsman. She was one of the first persons to promote soy and its health benefits. As Erik already then had a strong interest in healthy and sustainable food, his grandfather drove with him to the Netherlands to meet Harryet Marsman. She gave him her book “Leven met Soya” (“Living with Soya”). In this book she also explained how to make tempeh.
Erik then tried to make his own tempeh. The first attempt was not successful. A few years later he tried again and this time it was a big success. In the meantime he also had finished his studies in agricultural engineering, which also might have helped.
The following years Erik continued making tempeh for himself and his family. In 2002 he decided that it was time to share his knowledge and his tempeh starter with the world and started Topcultures.
Topcultures is committed to providing customers worldwide with the best quality starter cultures, so the whole world can enjoy the refined taste and health benefits of fermented soya beans.
Contact details
TopCultures bv
Vennenlaan 3
2980 Zoersel